A2nd Voice CIC
A2ndvoice CIC a non-profit Autism oganisation providing a range of programmess and events for Autistic people and their families, based in South West London.
Website: www.a2ndvoicecic.co.uk
Email: hello@a2ndvoicecic.co.uk

You're Never Alone CIC
Support service offering peer support and signposting for parents/carers of SEND children.
Website: www.youreneveralone.uk
Email: admin@youreneveralone.uk

Meleter James Consultancy
I am an Independent Consultant who provides services to parents with children with SEND, who is seeking advocacy and support to overcome any challenges and barriers faced.
Website: www.meleterjamesconsultancy.com

The H Foundation
The H Foundation stands for....Humanity, Hope, Help, Heal, Home and Health.
All the core values of what the charity is based on. The H Foundation are a grassroots community charity.
The H Foundation based in East London working with families, hosting events and also providing free services for families.
Website www.thehfoundation.co.uk

My Child Has A Speech Delay CIC
Specialising in creating a safe, judgment-free environment for children aged 2-11 years old with speech delays, special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) to engage in play.
Email info@mchasd.co.uk

JAA Consultancy
Specialising in Parent advocacy support in relation to SEND and the statutory process around Education, Health Care Plans and related matters.
Website www.jaaconsultancy.uk
Email inquiries@jaaconsultancy.uk